As Promised MS provided more features to manager REsource mailbox.
Resource Mailbox properties are now available in Exchange Management Console (EMC) in Exchange 2010 .
These features are available in OWA or with PowerShell in Exchange server 2007. list of new features and Tabs available in Exchange server 2010 Resource mailbox properties.
Dump of Exchange 2010 Beta Setup Switches ====================================================== C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64>setup /?
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup Help Please type one of the below options for detailed help on each subject: /help:Install – Installing Exchange Server roles. /help:Uninstall – Uninstalling Exchange Server roles. /help:Upgrade – Upgrading Exchange Server roles. /help:RecoverServer – Recovering an existing Exchange Server. /help:PrepareTopology – Preparing your topology for Exchange. /help:Delegation – Delegated server installations. /help:UmLanguagePacks – Adding/removing UM language packs. /help:LanguagePacks – Adding language packs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64>setup /help:Install Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup arameter Help
Install/Uninstall Server Role Usage: /mode: /roles: [/OptionalParameters] –Install/Uninstall Required Parameters– /mode, /m
Specifies the operation to perform: . Install: (Default)–Installs one or more server roles. Uninstall: Removes one or all installed server roles. /roles, /role, /r Specifies which server roles to install or uninstall: /role:Mailbox /roles:Mailbox, HubTransport The following are the valid roles: . HubTransport, HT, H . ClientAccess, CA, C . Mailbox, MB, M . UnifiedMessaging, UM, U . EdgeTransport, ET, E . ManagementTools, MT, T –Install/Uninstall Optional Parameters– [/OrganizationName, /on] /OrganizationName:MyCompany * This parameter is required if the Exchange organization hasn’t been created. [/TargetDir, /t] Specifies the location to install Exchange Server 2010 files. Default: %programfiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server [/SourceDir, /s] Specifies the path to the Exchange DVD. [/UpdatesDir, /u] Updates from the directory specified will be installed during setup. [/DomainController, /dc] Specifies the domain controller that setup will use to read and to write to Active Directory. Netbios or FQDN format can be used. [/?] Displays the help for setup. –Install/Uninstall Advanced Optional Parameters– [/AnswerFile /af] Specifies the location of an answer file that contains advanced parameters for setup. The format for the answer file is = Only the advanced parameters are valid for the answer file. [/DoNotStartTransport] Edge Transport Service will not be started during setup when this parameter is specified. Roles: Hub Transport, Edge Transport [/EnableLegacyOutlook] Specifies that legacy outlook clients can connect to the Exchange 2007 servers. Roles: Mailbox Remarks: This parameter can only be specified during the first Exchange 2010 Mailbox server installation to an organization. [/LegacyRoutingServer] Specifies the name of a legacy Exchange server that will be used to route messages to. Roles: Hub Transport Remarks: This parameter can only be specified during the first Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server installation to an organization. [/EnableErrorReporting] This enables the Exchange server to automatically submit critical error reports. Microsoft uses this information to diagnose problems and provide solutions. This parameter applies to installation of all server roles. [/CustomerFeedbackEnabled] Specify whether to participate in Customer Experience Improvement Progr am. The value can be True or False. [/Industry] The industry type of the organization. [/Mdbname] The name of the default mailbox database. Roles: Mailbox [/DbFilePath] The full path to the edb file. Roles: Mailbox [/LogFolderPath] The folder path to the directory where logs should be placed. Roles: Mailbox [/NoSelfSignedCertificates] Specifies that setup should skip creating self signed certificates if no other valid certificate is found for use in SSL/TLS sessions. Roles: Client Access, Unified Messaging [/AdamLdapPort] LDAP Port to use for Edge Transport server role AD/AM instance. Roles: Edge Transport [/AdamSslPort] SSL Port to use for Edge Transport server role AD/AM instance. Roles: Edge Transport ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:Uninstall Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup Parameter Help Install/Uninstall Server Role Usage: /mode: /roles: [/OptionalParameters] –Install/Uninstall Required Parameters– /mode, /m Specifies the operation to perform: . Install: (Default)–Installs one or more server roles. . Uninstall: Removes one or all installed server roles. /roles, /role, /r Specifies which server roles to install or uninstall: /role:Mailbox /roles:Mailbox, HubTransport The following are the valid roles: . HubTransport, HT, H . ClientAccess, CA, C . Mailbox, MB, M . UnifiedMessaging, UM, U . EdgeTransport, ET, E . ManagementTools, MT, T –Install/Uninstall Optional Parameters– [/OrganizationName, /on] /OrganizationName:MyCompany * This parameter is required if the Exchange organization hasn’t been created. [/TargetDir, /t] Specifies the location to install Exchange Server 2010 files. Default: %programfiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server [/SourceDir, /s] Specifies the path to the Exchange DVD. [/UpdatesDir, /u] Updates from the directory specified will be installed during setup. [/DomainController, /dc] Specifies the domain controller that setup will use to read and to write to Active Directory. Netbios or FQDN format can be used. [/?] Displays the help for setup. –Install/Uninstall Advanced Optional Parameters– [/AnswerFile /af] Specifies the location of an answer file that contains advanced parameters for setup. The format for the answer file is = Only the advanced parameters are valid for the answer file. [/DoNotStartTransport] Edge Transport Service will not be started during setup when this parameter is specified. Roles: Hub Transport, Edge Transport [/EnableLegacyOutlook] Specifies that legacy outlook clients can connect to the Exchange 2007 servers. Roles: Mailbox Remarks: This parameter can only be specified during the first Exchange 2010 Mailbox server installation to an organization. [/LegacyRoutingServer] Specifies the name of a legacy Exchange server that will be used to route messages to. Roles: Hub Transport Remarks: This parameter can only be specified during the first Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server installation to an organization. [/EnableErrorReporting] This enables the Exchange server to automatically submit critical error reports. Microsoft uses this information to diagnose problems and provide solutions. This parameter applies to installation of all server roles. [/CustomerFeedbackEnabled] Specify whether to participate in Customer Experience Improvement Progr am. The value can be True or False. [/Industry] The industry type of the organization. [/Mdbname] The name of the default mailbox database. Roles: Mailbox [/DbFilePath] The full path to the edb file. Roles: Mailbox [/LogFolderPath] The folder path to the directory where logs should be placed. Roles: Mailbox [/NoSelfSignedCertificates] Specifies that setup should skip creating self signed certificates if no other valid certificate is found for use in SSL/TLS sessions. Roles: Client Access, Unified Messaging
[/AdamLdapPort] LDAP Port to use for Edge Transport server role AD/AM instance. Roles: Edge Transport [/AdamSslPort] SSL Port to use for Edge Transport server role AD/AM instance. Roles: Edge Transport -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:Upgrade Upgrade Exchange Server Usage: /mode:Upgrade [/OptionalParameters] –Upgrade Required Parameters– /mode, /m Specifies the operation to perform: Upgrade: Upgrades all installed servers roles. –Upgrade Optional Parameters– [/SourceDir, /s] Specifies the path to the Exchange DVD. [/UpdatesDir, /u] Updates from the directory specified will be installed during setup. [/DomainController, /dc] Specifies the domain controller that setup will use to read and to write to Active Directory. Netbios or FQDN format can be used. [/DoNotStartTransport] Edge Transport Service will not be started during setup when this parameter is specified. Roles: Hub Transport, Edge Transport ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:RecoverServer Recover Exchange Server Usage: /mode:RecoverServer [/OptionalParameters] –Recover Exchange Server Required Parameters– /mode, /m Specifies the operation to perform: RecoverServer: Recovers an existing Exchange server object. –Recover Exchange Server Optional Parameters– [/TargetDir, /t] Specifies the location to install Exchange Server 2010 files. Default: %programfiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14 [/UpdatesDir, /u] Updates from the directory specified will be installed during setup. [/DomainController, /dc] Specifies the domain controller that setup will use to read and to write to Active Directory. Netbios or FQDN format can be used. [/EnableErrorReporting] This enables the Exchange server to automatically submit critical error reports. Microsoft uses this information to diagnose problems and provide solutions. [/DoNotStartTransport] Edge Transport Service will not be started during setup when this parameter is specified. Roles: Hub Transport, Edge Transport ====================================================== C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:PrepareTopology Prepare Topology Usage: /PrepareAD [/CustomerFeedbackEnabled:] [/Industry:<>] [/DomainController:] /PrepareSchema [/DomainController:] /PrepareDomain [/DomainController:] /PrepareDomain: [/DomainController:] /PrepareAllDomains [/DomainController:] /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions [/DomainController:] /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions: [/DomainController:] –Prepare Topology Required Parameters– /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions, /pl Prepares the permissions in a legacy forest. Use this parameter only if you have Exchange 2000 or 2003 servers in your organ ization. /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions:, /pl: Prepares the permissions for the specified domain. /PrepareAD, /p Prepares the Active Directory forest for the Exchange installation. This will perform all the operations listed below in the local domain. /PrepareSchema, /ps Prepares the Active Directory Schema for the Exchange installation. /PrepareDomain, /pd Prepares the local domain for the Exchange installation. /PrepareDomain:, /pd: Prepares the specified domain for the Exchange installation. /PrepareAllDomains, /pad Prepares all domains in the forest for the Exchange installation. –Prepare Topology Optional Parameters– [/DomainController, /dc] Specifies the domain controller that setup will use to read and write to Active Directory. Netbios or FQDN format can be used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:Delegation Server Setup Delegation Usage: /NewProvisionedServer: [/ServerAdmin:] /RemoveProvisionedServer: /ForeignForestFQDN: –Server Setup Delegation Required Parameters– /NewProvisionedServer:, /nprs Creates a placeholder server object so that a delegated server admin ca n run Exchange installation. /RemoveProvisionedServer, /rprs Removes the provisioned server object. /ForeignForestFQDN Creates another set of Exchange security groups in a separate forest. –Server Setup Delegation Optional Parameter– [/ServerAdmin, /sa] User or group to be granted permission as Server Administrator. You can only use this parameter with the /NewProvisionedServer parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:UmLanguagePacks Adding/Removing Unified Messaging Language Packs: /AddUmLanguagePack: [/SourceDir:] /RemoveUmLanguagePack: –Add/Remove UM Language Pack Required Parameters– /AddUmLanguagePack – Adds the language packs for the specified cultures. /RemoveUmLanguagePack – Removes the installed lanugage packs. –Add UM Language Pack Optional Parameter– [/SourceDir,/s] – Location for the unified messaging language pack for the cultures specified. Valid with /addumlanguagepack parameter only. [/UpdatesDir, /u] – Updates from the directory specified will be installed during setup. Usage Examples: /AddUmLanguagePack:de-DE /s:d:\Downloads\UmLanguagePacks /AddUmLanguagePack:de-DE,fr-FR,ja-JP /s:\\myshare\langpacks /RemoveUmLanguagePack:de-DE,fr-FR /AddUmLanguagePack:de-DE /s:d:\Downloads /u:d:\Patches Remarks: en-US unified messaging language pack cannot be added/removed. It will be installed and uninstalled with the Unified Messaging role. These operations are only valid when Unified Messaging role is already installed on the server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Exchange2010-Beta1-x64> /help:LanguagePacks Adding Language Packs: /mode:install /LanguagePack: Setup will install the languages contained in the bundle specified. Upgrading with Language Packs: /mode:upgrade /LanguagePack: Setup will perform a product upgrade and additionally upgrade the languages contained in the bundle specified. Remarks: /mode:install must be used to initially install language packs You may upgrade language packs independently of the product by using install mode Language Packs can only be uninstalled when the entire product is uninstalled